Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Mayne Event

So I did something today I've never done before... I let my clients see their pictures BEFORE I edited them. *Gasp!* Seeing picture in their raw format is like seeing a woman without makeup. Luckily, these clients are some of our best friends, and they've already seen me without makeup so why not? It was fun to see what they picked out as their favorites and how it compared to what I would have picked for them. After they left I was anxious to quickly edit a few just so they would know what they were REALLY getting.

Prepare yourself for an overload of cuteness.




I think this one will make it to my website. Such a perfect moment of childlike innocence and pure joy.



Mrs.Mayne said...

Is it bad that I didn't notice a difference?(double gasp) I loved them then and I love them now. The last one is priceless, exactly what I wanted out of doing them this time of year. Thanks again. We can't wait to see more.